About Us

Ability Innovations

Ability Innovations is a pediatric therapy clinic based in Northern Utah. Our clinic strives to assist children in finding their super powers through play-based therapy techniques. With two locations and 40+ employees, we are able to see a lot of different children with a variety of different diagnosis. However, we wanted to provide a way for all children to receive these techniques.  

Therapy Unmasked

Therapy Unmasked is an online course catered to parents/guardians/caregivers, who otherwise may not have access to services like these. We take pride in having some of the best licensed therapists in the business, and we wanted to create a way to share their knowledge and talents with anyone and everyone. These course videos range from 5-15 minutes, all accessible from any desk top or mobile device, with at home activities and downloadable documents. Learn all about the techniques our therapists use in their sessions, and how to implement them in all aspects of daily life. 

Our mission is help the superheroes of today gain access to the superpowers needed for tomorrow.

“Innovation is the ability to see obstacles as opportunity.”

— Nicholas, Founder of Ability Innovations

At home therapy starts here.

Ashton OT

Meet our hosts

Aarone OT

Bri Speech

Click the Image to learn more

Connie Feeding